Friday, November 18, 2011


the sign on the door of my procrastinators anonymous meetings said 'lets do this sometime next week'

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


i like seeing people sniffing deodorant sticks in the aisles of drug stores. i like the looks on their faces as they decide if they like the smell or not. i also like pretending that i can shoot lasers from my eyes but i try not to let that on.

metal detector

there's a peacefulness of seeing a lone man walk up and down the beach with his metal detector. i imagine part of the appeal comes from being out there on the beach early in the morning, alone, looking for treasure. i guess the other appeal comes from stumbling upon dead fish and dropping large rocks on them.


i was at this party once and this girl was staring at the kitchen floor. she kept saying 'i'm just one of these tiles out of all of the tiles on the floor'. i stared at the floor with her and wondered why she felt so sad. she wasn't one of the tiles. she was more than that. she was a person with thoughts, views and a giant ass.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


i was in the ocean last week and I saw 2 dolphins swimming by. they seemed so peaceful and without a care in the world. i kept thinking about the dolphins for the rest of the day and how clean their assholes must be from always being in the water.


i used to date this asian chick. she had a real sweet and sour tooth


how fat can a bird get before it can't fly? that was how it all started your honour.